
C++ STL Algorithms – Sort- Part-1

Sorting is one of the most widely used algorithmic primitive in programming.  C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provides an efficient implementation of the sort algorithm. It is always better to use this algorithm instead of writing our own implementation because of the following benefits. It’s performance would surely be better than your own implementation. It’s…

Check if an array has duplicate numbers

Given an array numbers, how do we write a function checkDuplicates() which returns true if the array has at least one element repeated; returns false if all the elements are unique. We discuss three different implementations of this function with various time and space complexities. Method-1: Naive approach This approach checks every possible pair in…

Bracket matching problem

Stack is one of the most widely used data structure. In this post we will learn how to use the stack container (data structure) provided by C++ STL with an example. Let us consider the following problem. We have a string which contains only ‘(‘ and ‘)’ characters. We have to write a program to…

Finding count of a number in a sorted array

In Competitive programming, learning to use the standard library than coding from scratch saves a lot of time. In this post we will use C++ STL(Standard Template Library) binary search algorithm with an example.Given a sorted array of numbers, How to find the frequency of a given number? Here is an efficient algorithm to do…