
Check if an array has duplicate numbers

Given an array numbers, how do we write a function checkDuplicates() which returns true if the array has at least one element repeated; returns false if all the elements are unique. We discuss three different implementations of this function with various time and space complexities. Method-1: Naive approach This approach checks every possible pair in…

Implementing a stack using queue

How do you implement a stack using Queue? This is the exact reverse of the problem discussed in my earlier post. We have to use only Queue operations like enqueue(), dequeue() and size() operations to implement push() and pop() operations of the stack. This can be done using two queues. One queue acts as the…

Implementing Queue using Stack

How to implement a Queue data structure using Stack? We have to use only the operations that are supported by Stack ADT*. The methods supported by stack are push(), pop(), and isEmpty(). We have to use only these three operations to implement a Queue. The Queue data structure should primarily support enqueue() and dequeue() operations.…

Finding the length of a linked list

In this post we will see an algorithm to find the length of the linked list. Here singly linked list is implemented in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm in C++. The algorithm is very simple. Just start at the beginning of the linked list, move to next until you reach the end of the list,…