
How does a radix sort work?

Radix sort is an integer sorting algorithm. As it’s name indicates, it sorts a list of numbers based on the digits of the numbers.  It’s a linear time sorting algorithm which is different from the comparison based sorting algorithms like quick sort or heap sort. Counting sort is also a linear time sorting algorithm which…

Creating a balanced binary search tree from sorted array

Given a sorted array, how do we create binary search which height balanced. For example the array [1,2,3,4,5] must be transformed to the following binary tree                            3                /                 2    4              /                     1        5 We can use the divide and conquer approach to solve this problem. To create a…

Checking if a binary tree is balanced

Given a binary tree, how do we check if it is balanced or not? We say that a binary tree is balanced if height difference of left  and the right sub-trees is at most 1 at  any node. Consider the following examples   1          1               1             1  /                       /              …

Longest sub array with zero sum

Given an array of integers (positive and negative), how do we find a longest sub-array with zero sum? For example, consider the example [5, 0, -1, 3, -2, 4], the longest sub array with zero sum contains 4 elements.  The straight forward approach is to check the sum of all possible arrays and find out…