
Up down array

Given an array of numbers A[N], how do we arrange them in the following order. A[0] <= A[1] >= A[2] <= A[3]…A[N-1] For example consider the array A =[6, 9, 36, 24, 42] The answer can be [6, 36, 9, 42, 24]. There can be multiple answers also like [6, 42, 9, 36, 24]. We…

Linear search

Given an array of numbers, how do we search for a given number? For example, given an array [6, 50, 24, 36, 42], the number 36 is present at the index 3 starting with 0. The number 17 is not present any where. The simplest algorithm to solve this problem is to check each element…

Ambiguous permutations

Given a permutation of numbers from 1 to N, We can represent it in two ways. For example, let us consider a permutation from 1 to 5 P = [2 4 1 5 3] This representation directly indicates the position of each number. i.e 2 is first, 4 is second and so on. Alternatively, this…

Mirror image of a binary tree

Given a binary tree, how to convert it to it’s mirror image?For example consider the following binary tree and it’s mirror image. Here simply, the left and right sub trees of each node are inverted. So we have to simply invert the given binary tree. It is a simple implementation problem. Using recursion we can…

XOR of all sub arrays

Given an array of elements, how do we find the XOR of each sub-array and XOR of those results? For example let us consider the array [1, 2, 3], all possible sub-arrays are XOR[1] = 1XOR[1, 2] = 1 ^ 2 = 3XOR[1, 2, 3] = 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 = 0XOR[2] = 2XOR[2,…