
How does a heapsort work

In selection sort, a list is sorted in the following way. Initially there will be an empty sorted list and the un-sorted list. We select the first element(According to the sort order) from the unsorted list and add it to the sorted list. We select the second element and append it to the sorted list…

simple pattern matching

Pattern matching algorithms are very important in computer science. In this post we will discuss the simplest algorithm for pattern matching. Given some text and a pattern, we have to find where in the text, the pattern is found. In this brute-force algorithm, we start matching the pattern from the beginning of the text. If…

Print a string in reverse using recursion

In simple words, Recursion is nothing but a function calling itself. How can we solve this problem using recursion? Initially pass the entire string as input to the function. Basically a pointer to the first character is passed. This function examines the next character; if it is not null, it calls itself by advancing the pointer…

Finding the median of an array

Median of an array is defined as the middle element when it is sorted. The middle element is the one which divides the array into two equal halves if the array is of odd length. If the length is even, the average of two middle elements is median.For example the median of [4,3,2,5,1] is 3…

How does insertion sort work

Insertion sort is also a comparison based sorting. It is also an in-place sorting algorithm i.e it does not require extra space. We can re-arrange the elements within the array itself.The algorithm works as follows. The array is divided into two parts one sorted and one un-sorted. Initially the sorted part will be empty and…

How does binary search work

Given an array of numbers, how do you search for a number? The simplest method is to start at the first element and keep comparing until the end of the array. If it is found anywhere in the middle, return it. Otherwise we would reach the end of the array which indicates that the element in…

Program to find nth Fibonacci number

Fibonacci number in mathematics is defined as the sum of the two previous elements in the series. Formally this is represented as f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) where f(1) = 1 and f(2) = 1. In this post we will see how to generate nth fibonacci number. The algorithm is self-explanatory from the program itself. So…