
Sorting binary array

Given an array of 0s and 1s, how do we sort them? After sorting all the 0s appear before all the 1s.For example the array [0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1] becomes [0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1]Let us look at two approaches to solve this problem. The first one is based on bucket sort and the second is more intelligent.Method#1:We can take two counts…

How does Quicksort work?

Quick sort is a comparison based sorting algorithm. Like Merge sort, this also follows divide and conquer algorithmic pattern. Quick sort works as follows.  A random element from the array is chosen as a pivot element. A pivot element is a special element which divides the array into left part and right part. All the…

How does a heapsort work

In selection sort, a list is sorted in the following way. Initially there will be an empty sorted list and the un-sorted list. We select the first element(According to the sort order) from the unsorted list and add it to the sorted list. We select the second element and append it to the sorted list…

How does insertion sort work

Insertion sort is also a comparison based sorting. It is also an in-place sorting algorithm i.e it does not require extra space. We can re-arrange the elements within the array itself.The algorithm works as follows. The array is divided into two parts one sorted and one un-sorted. Initially the sorted part will be empty and…

How does a selection sort works

Like Bubble sort, Selection sort is also a comparison based sorting algorithm, but it uses lesser number of swappings. Selection sort works this way. In first iteration it selects the smallest element and keep it in the first place. In the second iteration it selects the next smallest element from the remaining elements and keep…

How does Bubble sort works?

Bubble sort is a comparison based sorting algorithm. It works like following.  We perform series of iterations to ‘bubble up’ the elements one by one so that they form a sorted order. For example we have to sort an array [3,1,4,5,2] in ascending order, In the first iteration, the element 5 will be bubbled up…