
Searching for an element in the sorted matrix

Given a row wise and column wise sorted two dimensional array or matrix. How to search for an element efficiently? Example of the array can be int[][] matrix = {                   {1,3,5,7,9},                   {10,12,14,16,18},                   {19,21,23,25,27},                   {28,30,32,34,36},                   {37,39,41,43,45}                }; This can be done using the following algorithm.  We start our search with the top right element.  If it…

How does a counting sort work?

Counting sort as its name indicates sort a list of integers by counting the occurrence each number appearing in the list. This is possible when the range of integers (particularly small) is given. Unlike comparison based sorting algorithms which run in O( n log n) time in the worst case, Counting sort runs O(n) time.…