
Type casting in C++ – Part 1

Type casting frequently arises in real life programming. This post concentrates on type conversion of fundamental data types. Type casting is the process of converting from one data type to another. In C++, type casting is automatic in some situations. These are called implicit conversions. For example char c = ‘A’; int ch_code = c;…

Right view of the binary tree

Given a binary tree, how do we print the right view of it?For example, consider the simple binary tree below    1 / 2   3 The right view of this is 1, 3. Similarly consider one more example             1          /           2    5        /          3   4  Right view for this tree contains…

Left view of a binary tree

Given a binary tree, how do we print the left view of it?For example, consider the simple binary tree below    1 / 2   3 The left view of this is 1, 2. Similarly consider one more example             1          /           2    3             /             4   5Left view for this tree contains 1, 2,…